New On GitHub: How To Add A README Cover To Your GitHub Profile
A cool new feature which gives your GitHub profile a bit of personality.
Thursday 9 July, 2020 • Suze Shardlow • 2-minute read
GitHub has recently rolled out a new feature which allows you to add a README to your GitHub profile. Here’s how to get yours in two steps.
1) Create a new repo with the same name as your GitHub username.
Go to and type your GitHub username into the Repository name field.
Make sure you leave it as a Public repo and initialise it with a README.
When you press the Create repository button, the README will be live immediately with some default content.
2) Customise and edit your README.
You can do this on the GitHub website or clone the repo to your computer and do it locally.
Add whatever text, pictures etc you like. GitHub gives you some suggestions to get started.
If you want to use an image that’s in one of your other public repos, link to it in the usual way:
Use the usual markdown formatting for your text.
That’s it!